Two things that we come across everyday.
But how different they are from each other,a lot.
In fact,I read somewhere that admiration is the antonym of envy.though it didn’t convince me but any way they are different.
Alright,the thing is these two words have been troubling me since quite some time.
This is what I have to say-
Everyone here has some qualities or talents or you know, something that makes him/her stand out in a, let’s assume there are three persons A,B and C.
Both A and B have got talent for singing,exceptional talent at that.
Now Mr. C who is well acquainted with the above two persons sees things a little differently.
He admires B .the singer is like a god to him,gifted and everything.
But when it comes to C , he is envious of his talent.he thinks how that person can do that when he can’t.he doesn’t praise him ,likes to hurt him,insult him for no specific reasons.he deprives him of that one word of appreciation that he deserves and dies for.
Why is that?
The reason for this disparity may be personal but for same cases but, I have seen and I am sure, you have too that at times it’s just like that,there is no reason to it.
But then, envy is a deep thing.envy means, sometimes, you have to make yourself convince that the other man is no better than you and you refuse to accept his,in a way, you think of him as a pretender and thus deserves your flak.
But that again, is one way of seeing or feeling it.
It may sound silly but it’s like a puzzle to me these days.
If you are reading,I ‘ld like to know what you think about this.
Hope I stand corrected some day soon!